Gone is Gone – Gone is Gone EP

So refreshing. This was the first thought that came to mind upon first listen of this self-titled EP. Often ‘supergroups’ feel more like side projects with less focus when it comes to recording. Yet not so here. The six full tracks each have an identity that belong to Gone is Gone.

The four members each bring distinct traits yet the production nails the efforts into an experience that allows you to forget where the individual parts came from. Clever stuff indeed.

Troy Van Leeuwen – his unique use of guitar to swirl tracks into a frenzy of momentum is just as good here as it has been with QotSA.

Troy Sanders – vocalist from Mastodon, a band I admit to never listening to – brings a style that surprised me with its vulnerability with undertones of early Black Sabbath Ozzy.

Tony Hajjar – from another band missed, this time At the Drive-In. Watching the energy that their crazy performances consumed – thanks YouTube – you know there’s a seasoned drummer in Tony.

Mike Zarin – a composer and multi-instrumentalist. Hard not to stress how import this has been to the conception of the soundscape that Gone is Gone have created for themselves.

One Divided, Violescent and Stolen From Me.